IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy - Vol. 8 (2021)
Listed below are the papers that were published in volume 8 of the IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy.
Click on the titles to access the papers in the PES Resource Center.
Regular Papers
- "Characterization Procedure for Unsymmetrical Single-Phase Capacitor-Start Induction Machines"
J. Cale, C. Lute, G. Ross, and A. Othee
- "Demand-Side Participation via Economic Bidding of Responsive Loads and Local Energy Resources"
M. Ostadijafari, R. R. Jha, and A. Dubey
- "100% Sustainable Electricity in the Faroe Islands: Expansion Planning Through Economic Optimization"
H. M. Tróndheim, B. A. Niclasen, T. Nielsen, F. Faria da Silva, and C. L. Bak
- "Bulk Electric Power System Risks From Coordinated Edge Devices"
R. Kenyon, J. Maguire, E. Present, D. Christensen, and B.-M. Hodge
- "Distributed Mixed Voltage Angle and Frequency Droop Control of Microgrid Interconnections With Loss of Distribution-PMU Measurements"
S. Sivaranjani, E. Agarwal, V. Gupta, P. Antsaklis, and L. Xie
- "Distributed Secondary Control of a Microgrid With a Generalized PI Finite-Time Controller"
Y. Zhang, A. Mohammadpour Shotorbani, L. Wang, and B. Mohammadi-Ivatloo
- "Generative Adversarial Networks-Based Synthetic PMU Data Creation for Improved Event Classification"
X. Zheng, B. Wang, D. Kalathil, and L. Xie
- "Development and Electric Grid Applications of a Magnetometer Network"
K. S. Shetye, R. R. Kumar, C. Klauber, Z. Mao, T. J. Overbye, J. Gannon, and M. Henderson
- "Safe Reinforcement Learning-Based Resilient Proactive Scheduling for a Commercial Building Considering Correlated Demand Response"
Z. Liang, C. Huang, W. Su, N. Duan, V. Donde, B. Wang, and X. Zhao
- "Quasi-Static Time-Series Power Flow Solution for Islanded and Unbalanced Three-Phase Microgrids"
V. C. Cunha, T. Kim, P. Siratarnsophon, N. Barry, S. Santoso, and W. Freitas
- "An Algorithmic Approach for Identifying Critical Distance Relays for Transient Stability Studies"
R. Vakili, M. Khorsand, V. Vittal, B. Robertson, and P. Augustin
- "Dynamic Programming Method to Optimally Select Power Distribution System Reliability Upgrades"
S. Raja, B. Arguello, and B. J. Pierre
- "Assessment of Measurement-Based Phase Identification Methods"
F. Therrien, L. Blakely, and M. J. Reno
- "Optimised Time for Travelling Wave Fault Locators in the Presence of Different Disturbances Based on Real-World Fault Data"
M. Parsi and P. A. Crossley
- "Examination of Composite Load and Variable Frequency Drive Air Conditioning Modeling on FIDVR"
A. Cisco Sullberg, M. Wu, V. Vittal, B. Gong, and P. Augustin
- "Improving Numerical Accuracy in Time-Domain Simulation for Power Electronics Circuits"
W. Nzale, J. Mahseredjian, X. Fu, I. Kocar, and C. Dufour
- "Automated Tool to Create Chronological AC Power Flow Cases for Large Interconnected Systems"
B. Vyakaranam, Q. H. Nguyen, T. B. Nguyen, N. A. Samaan, and R. Huang
- "Fully Decentralized Reinforcement Learning-Based Control of Photovoltaics in Distribution Grids for Joint Provision of Real and Reactive Power"
R. El Helou, D. Kalathil, and L. Xie
- "Model-Based and Data-Driven HVAC Control Strategies for Residential Demand Response"
X. Kou, Y. Du, F. Li, H. Pulgar-Painemal, H. Zandi, J. Dong, and M. M. Olama
- "Synthesis of Load and Feeder Models Using Point on Wave Measurement Data"
S. Nekkalapu, V. Vittal, J. Undrill, B. Keel, B. Gong, and K. Brown
- "A Fast Penalty-Based Gauss-Seidel Method for Stochastic Unit Commitment With Uncertain Load and Wind Generation"
A. M. Palani, H. Wu, and M. M. Morcos
- "Power Distribution System Synchrophasor Measurements With Non-Gaussian Noises: Real-World Data Testing and Analysis"
C. Huang, C. Thimmisetty, X. Chen, E. Stewart, P. Top, M. Korkali, V. Donde, C. Tong, and L. Min
- "Quantifying Power System Operational and Infrastructural Resilience Under Extreme Conditions Within a Water-Energy Nexus Framework"
S. Zuloaga and V. Vittal
- "Time-Stepped Finite-Element Modeling of Three-Phase Transformer for Electromagnetic Transient Emulation on FPGA"
Q. Xu, P. Liu, and V. Dinavahi
- "Reliability Assessment of Converter-Dominated Power Systems Using Variance-Based Global Sensitivity Analysis"
B. Zhang, M. Wang, and W. Su
- "Synthetic Harmonic Distance Relaying for Inverter-Based Islanded Microgrids"
K. A. Saleh and M. A. Allam
- "Economic Analysis of Power Grid Interconnections Among Europe, North-East Asia, and North America With 100% Renewable Energy Generation"
C. Wu, X.-P. Zhang, and M. J. H. Sterling
- "Novel Data-Driven Distributed Learning Framework for Solving AC Power Flow for Large Interconnected Systems"
B. Vyakaranam, K. Mahapatra, X. Li, H. Wang, P. Etingov, Z. Hou, Q. Nguyen, T. Nguyen, N. Samaan, M. Elizondo, and T. Hay
- "Smart Sampling for Reduced and Representative Power System Scenario Selection"
X. Sun, X. Li, S. Datta, X. Ke, Q. Huang, R. Huang, and Z. J. Hou
- "Ensemble Learning, Prediction and Li-Ion Cell Charging Cycle Divergence"
J. Obert, R. D. Trevizan, L. Torres-Castro, and Y. Preger
- "Coordinated Damping Control Design for Power System With Multiple Virtual Synchronous Generators Based on Prony Method"
M. Zhao, H. Yin, Y. Xue, X.-P. Zhang, and Y. Lan
- "Developing Robust Bidding Strategy for Virtual Bidders in Day-Ahead Electricity Markets"
H. Mehdipourpicha, S. Wang, and R. Bo
- "Probabilistic Assessment on Area-Level Frequency Nadir/Vertex for Operational Planning"
J. Wen, S. Bu, and H. Xin
- "Generalized Formulation of Steady-State Equivalent Circuit Models of Grid-Forming Inverters"
V. C. Cunha, T. Kim, N. Barry, P. Siratarnsophon, S. Santoso, W. Freitas, D. Ramasubramanian, and R. C. Dugan
- "Evaluating Distributed PV Curtailment Using Quasi-Static Time-Series Simulations"
J. A. Azzolini, M. J. Reno, N. S. Gurule, and K. A. W. Horowitz
- "Thévenin Equivalent Circuits for Modeling Coupled Common/Differential-Mode Behavior in Power Electronic Systems"
T. J. Donnelly, S. D. Pekarek, D. R. Fudge, and N. Zarate
- "Planned Islanding Algorithm Design Based on Multiple Sub-Microgrids With Dynamic Boundary"
H. Yin, L. Zhu, Y. Ma, C. Zhang, Y. Su, D. Li, I. Ray, Y. Liu, F. Wang, and L. M. Tolbert
- "Active Power Curtailment in Power System Planning"
R. Bolgaryn, Z. Wang, A. Scheidler, and M. Braun
- "Test Distribution Systems: Network Parameters and Diagrams of Electrical Structural"
M. Mahdavi, H. H. Alhelou, and P. Cuffe
Special Section: Invited Papers in 2021 on Emerging Topics in the Power and Energy Society
- "Editorial: Special Section on Invited Papers in 2021 on Emerging Topics in the Power and Energy Society"
F. Li and J. P. S. Catalão
- "Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings (GEB) in a Microgrid Environment"
S. Rahman, A. Haque, and Z. Jing
- "Load Factor Assessment of the Electric Grid by the Optimal Scheduling of Electrical Equipment- A MIQCP Model"
F. V. Cerna, M. Pourakbari-Kasmaei, E. Naderi, M. Lehtonen, and J. Contreras
- "A Shape-Based Clustering Framework for Time Aggregation in the Presence of Variable Generation and Energy Storage"
N. Sarajpoor, L. Rakai, J. Arteaga, and H. Zareipour
- "A Multi-Site Networked Hardware-in-the-Loop Platform for Evaluation of Interoperability and Distributed Intelligence at Grid-Edge"
S. Essakiappan, P. R. Chowdhury, K. P. Schneider, S. Laval, K. Prabakar, M. D. Manjrekar, Y. N. Velaga, N. Shepard, J. Hambrick, and B. Ollis
- "A Preventive Dispatching Method for High Wind Power-Integrated Electrical Systems Considering Probabilistic Transient Stability Constraints"
Y. Chen, S. M. Mazhari, C. Y. Chung, and S. O. Faried
- "Real-Time Self-Dispatch of a Remote Wind-Storage Integrated Power Plant Without Predictions: Explicit Policy and Performance Guarantee"
Z. Guo, W. Wei, L. Chen, Y. Chen, and S. Mei
- "A Dynamic Equivalent of Active Distribution Network: Derivation, Update, Validation and Use Cases"
G. Chaspierre, G. Denis, P. Panciatici, and T. Van Cutsem
- "A New Approach to the Fault Location Problem: Using the Fault's Transient Intermediate Frequency Response"
N. Cifuentes and B. C. Pal
- "Assessment of the Effects of the Electromagnetic Pulse on the Response of Overhead Distribution Lines to Direct Lightning Strikes"
A. Borghetti, K. Ishimoto, F. Napolitano, C. A. Nucci, and F. Tossani
- "Review of Low-Rank Data-Driven Methods Applied to Synchrophasor Measurement"
M. Wang, J. H. Chow, D. Osipov, S. Konstantinopoulos, S. Zhang, E. Farantatos, and M. Patel
- "Frequency Response in the Presence of Renewable Generation: Challenges and Opportunities"
N. Nguyen, D. Pandit, R. Quigley, and J. Mitra
- "Interdisciplinary Vision of the Digitalized Future Energy Systems"
Z. Y. Dong and Y. Zhang
- "Space Microgrids for Future Manned Lunar Bases: A Review"
D. Saha, N. Bazmohammadi, J. M. Raya-Armenta, A. D. Bintoudi, A. Lashab, J. C. Vasquez, and J. M. Guerrero
Regular Paper
- "Voltage-Sensitivity-Based Volt-VAR-Watt Settings of Smart Inverters for Mitigating Voltage Rise in Distribution Systems"
S. Yoshizawa, Y. Yanagiya, H. Ishii, Y. Hayashi, T. Matsuura, H. Hamada, and K. Mori