IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy - Vol. 7 (2020)
Listed below are the papers that were published in volume 7 of the IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy. Click on the titles to access the papers in the PES Resource Center.
Regular Papers
- "Small-Signal Stability Analysis of the Interactions Between Voltage Source Converters and DC Current Flow Controllers"
R. Guan, N. Deng, Y. Xue, and X. Zhang
- "Accelerated Sparse Matrix-Based Computation of Electromagnetic Transients"
A. Abusalah, O. Saad, J. Mahseredjian, U. Karaagac, and I. Kocar
- "Aggregation of Residential Water Heaters for Peak Shifting and Frequency Response Services"
T. Clarke, T. Slay, C. Eustis, and R. B. Bass
- "Optimal Scheduling of Merchant-Owned Energy Storage Systems With Multiple Ancillary Services"
C. Opathella, A. Elkasrawy, A. A. Mohamed, and B. Venkatesh
- "A Benchmark Distribution System for Investigation of Residential Microgrids With Multiple Local Generation and Storage Devices"
S. A. Raza and J. Jiang
- "A Data-Driven Justification for Dedicated Dynamic Pricing for Residences-Based Plug-in Electric Vehicles in Wind Energy-Rich Electricity Grids"
F. Eldali and S. Suryanarayanan
- "MATLAB-Based Programs for Power System Dynamic Analysis"
I. Abdulrahman
- "Wide Area Control of Governors and Power System Stabilizers With an Adaptive Tuning of Coordination Signals"
L. Zacharia, M. Asprou, and E. Kyriakides
- "Resource Study of Large-Scale Electric Water Heater Aggregation"
K. Marnell, C. Eustis, and R. B. Bass
- "Visualizing the Impacts of Renewable Energy Growth in the U.S. Midcontinent"
A. L. Figueroa-Acevedo, C.-H. Tsai, K. Gruchalla, Z. Claes, S. Foley, J. Bakke, J. Okullo, and A. J. Prabhakar
- "Adaptive Droop Control Method for Suppressing Circulating Currents in DC Microgrids"
N. Ghanbari and S. Bhattacharya
- "A Low-Loss Thyristor-Based Hybrid Three-Level and Modular Multilevel Converter With DC Fault Blocking Capability for HVDC Transmission"
L. M. Bieber, L. Wang, and W. Li
- "Fault Statistics and Analysis of 220-kV and Above Transmission Lines in a Southern Coastal Provincial Power Grid of China"
B. Chen
- "Design Paradigm for Modular Multilevel Converter-Based Generator Rectifier Systems"
R. Sahu and S. Sudhoff
- "Data-Driven Risk Analysis of Joint Electric Vehicle and Solar Operation in Distribution Networks"
A. Palomino and M. Parvania
- "Quantifying Performance of Distribution System State Estimators in Supporting Advanced Applications"
J. Schoene, M. Humayun, B. Russell, G. Sun, J. Bui, A. Salazar, N. Badayos, M. Zhong, M. Lak, and C. R. Clarke
- "Thévenin Equivalent Circuits for Modeling Common-Mode Behavior in Power Electronic Systems"
T. J. Donnelly, S. D. Pekarek, D. R. Fudge, and N. Zarate
- "Software-Defined Microgrid Control: The Genesis of Decoupled Cyber-Physical Microgrids"
L. Wang, Y. Qin, Z. Tang, and P. Zhang
- "Active System Grounding With a Novel Distribution Transformer Design"
M. D. Everton
- "Fast Frequency Support From Wind Turbine Systems by Arresting Frequency Nadir Close to Settling Frequency"
X. Zhao, Y. Xue, and X.-P. Zhang
- "Meeting Temporary Facility Energy Demand With Climate-Optimized Off-Grid Energy Systems"
J. Pearson, T. Wagner, J. Delorit, and S. Schuldt
- "Mosaic Packing to Visualize Large-Scale Electric Grid Data"
A. B. Birchfield and T. J. Overbye
- "Energy Consumption Model for Indoor Cannabis Cultivation Facility"
N. Mehboob, H. E. Z. Farag, and A. M. Sawas
- "A Hybrid Optimization Method Combining Network Expansion Planning and Switching State Optimization"
F. Schäfer, A. Scheidler, and M. Braun
- "Impact of Energy Storage on Economic Dispatch of Distribution Systems: A Multi-Parametric Linear Programming Approach and Its Implications"
W. Wei, D. Wu, Z. Wang, S. Mei, and J. P. S. Catalão
- "Turbine Startup and Shutdown in Wind Farms Featuring Partial Power Processing Converters"
M. Pape and M. Kazerani
- "Adaptive Coordination of Damping Controllers for Enhanced Power System Stability"
H. Silva-Saravia, H. Pulgar-Painemal, D. A. Schoenwald, and W. Ju
- "FAPI Controller for Frequency Support in Low-Inertia Power Systems"
E. Rakhshani, A. Perilla, J. L. Rueda Torres, F. M. Gonzalez-Longatt, T. Batista Soeiro, and M. A. M. M. Van Der Meijden
- "Optimal Energy Dispatch of Distributed PVs for the Next Generation of Distribution Management Systems"
F. Ding, Y. Zhang, J. Simpson, A. Bernstein, and S. Vadari
- "Parallel-in-Time Object-Oriented Electromagnetic Transient Simulation of Power Systems"
T. Cheng, T. Duan, and V. Dinavahi
- "Hardware-in-the-Loop Testing of Dynamic Grid Voltages for Static Var Compensator Controllers With Single-Phase Induction Motor Loads"
B. Poudel, E. Amiri, J. R. Ramamurthy, I. Leevongwat, T. E. Field, R. Rastgoufard, and P. Rastgoufard
t - "Reinforcement Learning for Building Energy Optimization Through Controlling of Central HVAC System"
J. Hao, D. W. Gao, and J. J. Zhang
Special Section: Invited Papers on Emerging Topics in the Power and Energy Society
- "Editorial on Special Section: Invited Papers on Emerging Topics in the Power and Energy Society"
F. Li and J. P. S. Catalão
- "The Evolution of Research in Microgrids Control"
A. Vasilakis, I. Zafeiratou, D. T. Lagos, and N. D. Hatziargyriou
- "Complementarity, not Optimization, is the Language of Markets"
A. J. Conejo and C. Ruiz
- "Recent Development of Frequency Estimation Methods for Future Smart Grid"
J. Zhao, L. Zhan, H. Yin, F. Li, W. Yao, and Y. Liu
- "Wildfire Risk Mitigation: A Paradigm Shift in Power Systems Planning and Operation"
J. W. Muhs, M. Parvania, and M. Shahidehpour
- "Energy Forecasting: A Review and Outlook"
T. Hong, P. Pinson, Y. Wang, R. Weron, D. Yang, and H. Zareipour
- "Decentralized Intrusion Prevention (DIP) Against Co-Ordinated Cyberattacks on Distribution Automation Systems"
J. Appiah-Kubi and C.-C. Liu
- "Composite System Reliability Evaluation With Essential Reliability Services Assessment of Wind Power Integrated Power Systems"
Y. Wang, V. Vittal, M. Khorsand, and C. Singh
- "System-Level Design for Reliability and Maintenance Scheduling in Modern Power Electronic-Based Power Systems"
S. Peyghami, P. Palensky, M. Fotuhi-Firuzabad, and F. Blaabjerg
- "Energy Quality: A Definition"
X.-P. Zhang and Z. Yan
- "Technical and Economic Impact of the Inertia Constraints on Power Plant Unit Commitment"
C. Mosca, E. Bompard, G. Chicco, B. Aluisio, M. Migliori, C. Vergine, and P. Cuccia
- "A Stochastic Two-Stage Model for the Integrated Scheduling of the Electric and Natural Gas Systems"
N. G. Kanelakis, P. N. Biskas, D. I. Chatzigiannis, and A. G. Bakirtzis
- "Asynchronous Economic Dispatch for Combined Heat and Power Systems"
X. Qin, H. Sun, and Y. Guo
- "Building Highly Detailed Synthetic Electric Grid Data Sets for Combined Transmission and Distribution Systems"
H. Li, J. L. Wert, A. B. Birchfield, T. J. Overbye, T. Gomez San Roman, C. Mateo Domingo, F. E. Postigo Marcos, P. Duenas Martinez, T. Elgindy, and B. Palmintier
- "Reconfigurable Real-Time Power Grid Emulator for Systems With High Penetration of Renewables"
L. M. Tolbert, F. Wang, K. Tomsovic, K. Sun, J. Wang, Y. Ma, and Y. Liu
Regular Papers
- "Root-Mean Square Model of Three-Phase Photovoltaic Inverter for Unbalanced Fault"
H. Satoh, K. Yamashita, K. Shirasaki, and Y. Kitauchi
- "Energy Storage as a Service: Optimal Pricing for Transmission Congestion Relief"
J. Arteaga, H. Zareipour, and N. Amjady
- "A Probabilistic Reverse Power Flows Scenario Analysis Framework"
A. Demazy, T. Alpcan, and I. Mareels