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Panel Session 20 Aug 2018

The Hydrogen gassing calculations in this calculator are derived from IEEE 1635 / ASHRAE 21 (Guide for the Ventilation and Thermal Management of Batteries for Stationary Applications)| and may be presented to Fire Marshals or other Code-enforcing officials in order to satisfy the requirements of Fire Codes such as the IFC and NFPA 1 for both lead-acid and Ni-Cd technologies.
This calculator can be utilized for the following Battery Types:
Ca VLA (flooded lead-calcium)
, Pb VLA (flooded pure lead)
, Sb VLA (flooded lead-antimony)
, Se VLA (flooded lead-selenium)
, Ca VRLA (lead-calcium AGM VRLA)
, TPPL VRLA (thin-plate pure lead AGM VRLA)
, gel VRLA (gelled-electrolyte VRLA)
, low Sb VRLA (low-antimony VRLA)
, Sintered/PBE NiCd
, PBE/Foamed NiCd
, Pocket or Fiber plate traditional NiCd
, Pocket or Fiber plate (partially recombinant) NiCd
How to use:
1. Select the battery type calculator/tab/worksheet you want to use
2. Fill in as many variables as possible (note: blue-highlighted cells are required)
3. You will then see the results of Hydrogen gassing in various modes and calculations
Note: This calculator is for reference only. The best data on gassing always comes from the battery manufacturer| and this calculator should only be used in the absence of such data from the manufacturer
Notice: This spreadsheet requires Microsoft Excel to open and use it. This calculator is not a Microsoft product and is in no way affiliated with Microsoft.

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