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Power System Operator Survey Toward Global Energy Transformation Summary Report

IEEE Standards Association and IEEE Power and Energy Society

  • PES
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $10.00
    Non-members: $20.00
    Pages/Slides: 15
White Paper 01 Nov 2021

IEEE SA and the IEEE Power and Energy Society are working with the Global Power Systems Transformation Consortium (G-PSTC) to assess viewpoints in the area of next-generation energy (e.g. renewables, energy storage, DER, energy efficiency, and grid modernization, etc.) to support priority needs and interests for specific countries/regions. This document provides a summary of the first survey developed and administered by IEEE in support of Pillar 4 of G-PSTC on Localized Technology Adoption Support. The target audience for the survey was system operators and was distributed to G-PSTC and IEEE contacts in August 2020. The survey was arranged in the following two parts: 1) System operator strategic technical priorities, and 2) Key enabling standards in use and priority standards needs The survey received seventy-eight (78) unique respondents, with thirty-nine consistent responses to key system operator related questions. Global representation of respondents included: USA (16 responses – 41.9%), Asia Pacific (14 responses – 35.9%), Europe (5 responses – 12.8%), Canada (2 responses – 5.1%) and Latin America (2 responses – 5.1%) High-Level Survey Results: •Standards - Broad and diversified standard implications on power system transformation are observed. From a standard development perspective, encouraging standard development and conformity standard application assessment along with local codes would be the next two areas to focus on. •Hot/high demand topics - Technology domain wise, Energy Storage takes the highest demand for integration standard development, followed by renewable energy and sustainability related topics. Business development strategy wise, power grid planning is the most focused area, followed by a group of system reliability related topics. In some technical areas, especially in power equipment and system protection, awareness and education of existing standards would be the immediate task. Power grid resilience and sustainability related areas are with strong interests on standardization as well. We will follow up with target regions to explore details on their immediate needs on educational and technical supports. IEEE has prepared this document as a contribution to G-PSTC, as well as a support to member activities at IEEE PES and IEEE SA on the subjects.

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  • PES
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