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Impact of Inverter Based Generation on Bulk Power System Dynamics and Short-Circuit Performance

IEEE/NERC Task Force on Short-Circuit and System Performance Impact of Inverter Based Generation

  • PES
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $45.00
    Non-members: $70.00
    Pages/Slides: 71
03 Jul 2018

NERC and IEEE signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in October 20161, seeking to increase coordination and collaboration between NERC and IEEE. As part of this MOU, technical leadership from NERC and IEEE have sought opportunities to engage in mutually beneficial activities for the electric utility industry, and NERC and IEEE stakeholders. One of the key topics prioritized by NERC and IEEE leadership is proactively exploring and better understanding the implications of potential low fault current and short circuit strength conditions on the BPS. The goal is to identify solutions to these potential conditions such that when they are encountered by the electric utility industry in the future, utility engineers will have the tools and capabilities to address these issues reliably. This report covers the various aspects of low fault current conditions and how to accommodate a changing resource mix.

Primary Committee:
IEEE PES Industry Technical Support Task Force

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  • PES
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