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Practices for Generator Synchronizing Systems (TR 121)

Matchyaraju Alla, Hasnain Ashrafi, Kelvin Barner, Tom Beckwith, Sebastien Billaut, Zeeky Bukhala, Ryan Carlson, Stephen Conrad, William English, Dale Finney, Jean-Francois Hache, Randy Hamilton, Wayne Hartmann, Sungsoo Kim, Gary Kobet, Prem Kumar, James Mearns, Steven Mueller, Mukesh Nagpal, Bracy Nesbit, Silvio Roesler, Eugene Stewart, JC Theron, Michael Thompson, Doug Weisz, Vinod Yedidi

  • PES
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $45.00
    Non-members: $70.00
    Pages/Slides: 97
30 Apr 2024

A synchronizing system that is designed and verified to operate within a generator's synchronizing limits is critical in helping maintain the life of generating plant assets and improving stability of the power system. There have been an increasing number of reported out-of-phase synchronizing events that have damaged generators and generator step-up transformers. This report presents the current practices for generator synchronizing systems. It includes an overview of synchronizing system components, their design considerations for different system and generating plant configurations, commissioning practices to verify that a synchronizing system will perform within limits, methods to monitor synchronizing system performance, and detect and alarm or trip for out-of-phase synchronizing events.

Jason Eruneo, Ritwik Chowdhury
Primary Committee:
Power System Relaying and Control Committee
Sponsor Committees:
Rotating Machinery Protection Subcommittee, Working Group J20

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