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An Efficient Rapid Method for Generators Coherency Identification in Large Power Systems

Alireza Mehrzad, Milad Darmiani, Yashar Mousavi, Miadreza Shafie-Khah, and Mohammadreza Aghamohammadi

  • PES
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    Pages/Slides: 10
18 May 2022

With steadily increasing interest in enhancing large power systems' transient stability, generator coherency identification has become critical for the dynamic equivalents, controlled-islanding, and wide-area control of these systems. This paper presents an approach based on two classical and powerful techniques. The proposed method comprises the slow coherency method followed by the time-domain-based simulation of transient stability to identify the coherent groups of generators. In this regard, various operating conditions of the system are considered to obtain the updated coherency information between groups of generators by analyzing the chosen generator rotor angle. The proposed approach's merits are tested on the New England IEEE 39-Bus and modified IEEE 118-Bus test systems in the PowerFactory software tools through Python. Corresponding simulation results validate the proposed paradigm's effectiveness by enhancing the transient stability speed of a large power system without decreasing its coherency behavior accuracy. It is also observed that the proposed scheme tends to be more consistent in determining the coherent groups of generators in the presence of disturbances and different operational conditions.

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