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Sharing Knowledge on Electrical Energy Industry - Response to COVID-19 (Video)

Aleksi Paaso, Director, Distribution Planning, Smart Grid & Innovation, Commonwealth Edison Company (ComEd)

  • PES
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: Free
    Non-members: Free
    Length: 01:00:00 (45 minutes of instruction followed by 15 minutes of Q&A)
Webinar Video 20 May 2020

The IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) Industry Technical Support Leadership Committee (ITSLC) prepared a knowledge sharing whitepaper to collect practical experiences from electric utilities and system operators around the world who have been facing the challenge of COVID-19. This presentation will provide an overview of the whitepaper’s results, focusing on the impact COVID-19 has had on the electric grid and the general industry, along with best practices for mitigation of the pandemic’s effects. Generating, transmitting and distributing electricity is a critical service, not just for the industry, but for the communities who rely upon safe, reliable power. The ideas, strategies, and best practices emerging in the energy industry during this crisis also have the potential to provide insight on how the industry can evolve to meet a transforming electric grid in an increasingly digital world.

Presenter Bio:
Dr. Aleksi Paaso is Director of Distribution Planning, Smart Grid & Innovation at Commonwealth Edison (ComEd), the electric utility serving Northern Illinois, including city of Chicago. He is responsible for ComEd’s distribution planning activities, distributed energy resource interconnection, as well as Smart Grid strategy and project execution. He is a senior member of the IEEE and Technical Co-Chair for the 2020 IEEE PES Transmission & Distribution Conference and Exposition. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Kentucky.

Primary Committee:
Industry Technical Support Leadership Committee (ITSLC)

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  • PES
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