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T&D '24 Tutorial: Stabilizing the Grid of Tomorrow using Grid-Forming Solutions (Slides)

David Langner, Siemens Energy, Mikael Halonen, Hitachi Energy, Joe Warner, Power Engineers, Jan Paramalingam, Power Engineers, Septimus Boshoff, DNV

  • PES
    Members: $50.00
    IEEE Members: $74.00
    Non-members: $99.00
    Pages/Slides: 287
Tutorial 29 Apr 2024

Due to changing utility infrastructure with regards to increased penetration of inverter-based generation and retirement of conventional generation, dynamic shunt compensation solutions are becoming ever more vital for transmission system operation and reliability. The emergence of Voltage Source Converter (VSC), STATCOMs with energy storage, and Synchronous Condensers, have increased potential grid stabilization applications through grid-forming technologies. As utility requirements become more complex, the optimal solution may be a combination of available and future technology. This tutorial presents approaches to planning and functional specification, technology principles with example installations, a comparative evaluation of performance, and an analysis of future trends expected to influence technology development and its place in the market.

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