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Tutorial Bundle: Grid Energy Storage Technology, Sessions 1, 2 & 3 with Educational Credits

Curtis Ashton, Ampowersys, Ray Byrne, Sandia National Labs, Bill Cantor, TPI Engineering, Babu Chalamala, Sandia National Labs, Ralph Masiello, Quanta Technology, Jim McDowall, SAFT Batteries, Tu Nguyen, Sandia National Laboratories, Yuliya Preger, Sandia National Labs, Chris Searles, BAE Batteries, Vince Sprenkle, PNNL, Charlie Vartanian, PNNL

  • PES
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $150.00
    Non-members: $300.00
    Products: 3 Tutorials and Educational credits

About this Bundle

Register for all 3 Energy Storage Tutorials with educatinal credits for at a reduced price. This bundle includes: Session 1: Grid Energy Storage Technology Session 2: Appication and Valuation of Energy Storage Session 3: Analytics and Deployment

Register for all 3 Energy Storage Tutorials with educatinal credits for at a reduced price. This bundle includes:
Session 1: Grid Energy Storage Technology - This session covers the basics of grid energy storage technologies. Topics covered include general background info on the role of energy storage in electricity infrastructure, update on recent trends, followed by a review of various battery storage technologies, bulk energy storage systems, along with a review of emerging trends in energy storage technologies.

Session 2: Analytics and Deployment - This session will provide a summary of energy storage deployments in the US using information from DOE GESDB and EIA databases along with info state level agencies like California Energy Commission along with an update on the DOE energy storage program. The session will provide an overview of engineering tools for modeling and planning for storage integration, review of metrics for valuing energy storage, safety of energy storage systems and current industry standards for safety.


Session 3: Application and Valuation of Energy Storage - This sessions cover various grid energy storage applications and valuation of energy storage. Topics covered will include an overview of grid storage applications, analysis of applications in T&D, cost benefit/valuation, review of ISO storage business models, market operations analytics and software tools, and analysis of state level policy landscape.

Tutorial 01 Aug 2020

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