Climate-Driven Disturbances in the Western Interconnection: Challenges and Adaptation Solutions
Branden Sudduth, Jessie Knapstein, Masood Parvania, John Dai, Han Li
IEEE Members: $25.00
Non-members: $40.00Pages/Slides: 47
This panel will bring together experts to discuss the latest achievements and existing gaps in modeling and analysis of climate-disturbances in Western Interconnection. The panelists will discuss the challenges the Western Interconnection faces during prolonged heat waves and wildfire seasons and how WECC and utilities, such as SCE are utilizing innovative solutions to adapt with the disturbances. Panelists from E3 and LBNL will discuss modeling approaches to estimate and forecast the impacts of such events in the future and how the analysis could be used to prepare the western interconnection to adapt to such disturbances.
Miguel Heleno, Masood Parvania
Primary Committee:
Transmission and Distribution
Sponsor Committees:
Transmission and Distribution