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    Pages/Slides: 54
Panel 19 Apr 2018

As energy systems are getting more complex, grid quality and control in the high-voltage grid becomes of utter importance for transmission grid operators. Two products can assist to increase grid stability and efficiency: (Variable) Shunt Reactors and Phase Shifters. Shunt reactors solve local overvoltage problems and compensate the Ferranti Effect. Variable shunt reactors with a regulation range up to 80% allow grid operators to act in an extremely flexible way as they can be adjusted according to the current load situation and thus always compensate accurately. Phase shifters are used for load flow control enforcing load flow and avoiding more expensive grid extensions. On the other hand they also can block load flow to protect a grid, therefore increasing stability and reliability of a network. During this panel you will learn how both products work, how they can be helpful for your grid, and who needs them technically and can profit economically.

James Mclver

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