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  • PES
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $10.00
    Non-members: $20.00
    Pages/Slides: 112
01 Mar 2015

Extreme events such as Hurricane Sandy have caused catastrophic damages in the East Coast. The issue has received great attention from industries and governments. Existing concepts and tools are not designed to handle extreme events such as severe earthquakes and hurricanes. The inter-dependency between the power grid and other infrastructures, e.g., communications, needs to be considered. To achieve a resilient grid against such catastrophes, it will require new concepts, technologies, and procedures to harden power grid components, enhance automation, increase redundancy, and de-centralize generations with microgrids, renewables, and storage. The expert panelists will cover important aspects for resilient distribution grids. Speakers: Dan Ton, Office of Electricity Delivery & Energy Reliability, Department of Energy Griffin Reilly, Con Edison Jose Marti, University of British Columbia, Canada Ross Guttromson, Sandia National Laboratory

Cheng Ching Liu, Washington State University and University College Dublin, Ireland

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