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  • PES
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $10.00
    Non-members: $20.00
    Pages/Slides: 75
Plenary 27 Apr 2022

The electricity industry mostly perceives Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) as a problem because they don’t fit nicely into existing markets, operating paradigms and revenue models. This perception is invalid in the emerging participatory grid because in fact DERs are an essential part of the solution to decarbonization, resilience and environmental justice. This panel session explores the possibilities and limitations of local energy markets for DER integration into grid operation, power markets and new business models. The panelists will cover the following topics:
o Impacts of increasing levels of DER on current grid operations and utility business models
o Emerging market actors and energy market dynamics
o Incentive compatibility considerations to align DER investment and operating incentives with grid reliability and larger societal objectives
o Platform functionality for distribution-level markets
o Current industry activities, lessons learned, and path forward
Presentations and Panelists:
• “Operational and business model impacts of DER Proliferation” by A. Ipakchi, OATI
• “Distribution-level markets to maximize DER benefits” by L. Kristov, Electric System Policy
• “Peer-to-Peer Transaction of Energy and Carbon Allowance in Networked Microgrids” by M. Shahidehpour, IIT
• “Distribution System Platforms for DER Management” by A. Renjit, EPRI
• “Engaging Non-Utility PVs for Grid Services” by B. Bhattarai, DOE/SETO

Farrokh Rahimi

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  • PES
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