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    Pages/Slides: 2
Panel 27 Apr 2022

Panelists from the regulatory section of the energy industry will focus on regulatory challenges for the deployment of transmission technologies across the US regions. As deployed in certain circumstances, the enhanced transmission technologies would enhance reliability, efficiency, and capacity and improve the operation of new or existing transmission facilities. This panel will discuss regulatory challenges in implementing this shared savings incentive approach for transmission technologies under Federal Power Act section 219. In addition, this panel will look into FERC orders and workshops with a focus on how to calculate ex-ante and ex-post benefit analysis for Grid-Enhancing Technologies (GETs) including but not limited to (i) Dynamic Line Rating (DLR), (ii) advanced modular power flow control (MPFC), (iii) and grid topology optimization.
Presentations and Panelists:
- Regulatory Challenges in Deployment of Transmission Grid Enhancing Technologies by R. Gramlich, Grid Strategies

Kaveh Aflaki

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