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  • PES
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    Length: Time: 01:11:27
Plenary Session 16 Feb 2021

To foster sustainable, low-emission development, many states across the US are establishing ambitious renewable energy targets for their electricity supply. Because of the intermittent nature of renewable energy sources and how widely dispersed they are across the country, meeting these targets will involve significant changes to power system planning and operations.

Robust integration methods maximize the cost effectiveness of incorporating variable renewable energy into the power system while maintaining or increasing system stability and reliability.

Scaling up variable renewable energy generation requires grid expansion and upgrades so that power systems can access high-quality solar and wind resources. A well-crafted combination of policies, rules, and procedures encourages investment in large-scale transmission expansion. These measures not only improve the utilization of variable renewable energy, but also potentially defer the need for network refurbishment. The scope of this panel includes, but not limited to:

Assessing policy needs to facilitate Interregional Transmission Lines
Assessing policy and technological needs to facilitate Offshore Wind interconnection
Lessons Learned from RTOs/ISOs in implementation of FERC order no. 1000
FERC revision to electric transmission incentive policy to enable utility adoption of Grid Efficiency Technologies (e.g. FACTS)

Ahad Esmaeilian