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2/17 to 2/20 Plenary Panel Sessions: Miscellaneous Panel Sessions

S. Hamilton, B. Emera, D. Viet, R. Baxter, Y. Lin, R. Byrne

  • PES
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $10.00
    Non-members: $20.00
    Pages/Slides: 117
Panel Session 20 Feb 2020

This product contains the following Feb. 17th to 20th miscellaneous panel sessions

Energy Storage for Resilience Applications
By: Sean Hamilton, Sterling MLD

Embracing Disruption: A New Platform for the Electric Utility
By: Bennett Emera, Emera Technologies

Optimal Procurement of Energy and Ancillary Service in Smart Grid
By: Do Quang Viet, Vietnam Electricity

Recent Trend in Energy Storage Cost
By: Richard Baxter, Mustang Prairie Energy

Grid interactive efficient buildings: model based approaches and data driven approaches
By: Yashen Lin, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Expansion Planning Challenges and Research Gaps
By: Ray Byrne, Sandia National Laboratories

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