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    Pages/Slides: 77
Panel 22 Feb 2019

Artificial intelligence (AI) has had significant developments in the past decade, especially in machine learning (ML), and has been applied to many industries, including the energy sector. AI applications in power systems is not a new topic, dating back in early 1950s. However, this new wave of AI applications in power systems is making much more significant impacts, thanks to the recent advancements of machine learning. This panel will discuss how the recentadvancement in AI, especially in machine learning, can help the operations and planning in power systems. The panel will discuss how AI can be used to help a number of fundamental optimization problems in power system operations and planning. For example, the panel will cover topics on how AI/ML can be used to help solve operational problems (e.g., unit commitment) faster; how AI/ML can be used to solve power flows better; and how AI/ML can help state estimation and other parameter estimation.

Feng Qiu

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