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  • PES
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    Pages/Slides: 71
13 Dec 2015

Simulation and Control of Consumption and Generation of Hardware Resources in Microgrid Real-Time Digital Simulator
Omid Abrishambaf (Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal); Luis Gomes (Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal); Pedro Faria (Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal); Zita Vale Institute of Porto, Portugal)
Multi-Objective Optimal Power Management in Microgrids: A Comparative Study Dany Mauricio Lopez and Eduardo Caicedo (Universidad del Valle, Colombia) Optimal Allocation of Photovoltaic Plants in Electric Power Distribution Networks
Osvaldo R Saavedra (Federal University of Maranhao & IEE, Brazil)
MBPC Power Control in Three-phase Inverters for Grid-connected Applications
David Caballero, Federico Gavilan, Raúl Gregor, Jorge Rodas and Sergio Toledo (Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Paraguay); José Rodríguez-Piñeiro (Un Coruña, Spain)

Daniel Izquierdo (UTE Laboratory, Uruguay)