ISGT Europe 2022 super session 2: Resilience and Reliability of Electricity and Gas Networks Under Extreme Events (Slides)
M. Ghazavi Dozein, J. Cremer, C. Vournas
IEEE Members: $25.00
Non-members: $40.00Pages/Slides: 65
Extreme events such as droughts, wildfires, polar vortex, hurricanes, and cyberattacks have caused stressful conditions and even catastrophic failures of energy systems in recent years. It is essential to maintain reliable and resilient operation of multiple energy system including bulk power systems and natural gas systems during extreme events. This panel will discuss extreme event impacts on electrical and gas energy systems as well as resilience modeling and evaluation methods. Internationally recognized experts from academia, research labs, and industry will share their original ideas and insights on this challenging topic.
Dr. Rick Wallace Kenyon