2020 PES ISGT Europe 10/28 Panel Video: Flexibility Options for 100% Renewable Energy Systems: Demand Response and Sector Coupling
Germán Morales-España
IEEE Members: $20.00
Non-members: $40.00Length: 01:43:53
For large-scale integration of renewable energy, power systems must provide abundant flexibility to accommodate high shares of variable and uncertain renewable resources. Electrification is also becoming the most promising option to bring renewable energy to other sectors, thus greatly increasing (unconventional) electric demand, which poses new challenges and opportunities to the power system. In this panel session, we present different flexibility sources, their modelling and economic challenges for optimal planning and operation of power systems. These flexibility options include demand response, storage, and flexible sector coupling, e.g., power2gas (H2), power2mobility (EVs), and power2heat.
Germán Morales-España