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    Length: 00:15:50
Session 08 Sep 2022

The increase in the number of extreme events that affect the power grid require the development of novel methodologies to prepare and response for these events. In this presentation, a novel multi-stage resilience measure called the Anticipate-Withstand-Recover (AWR) metrics is introduced. The AWR metrics are based on integrating relevant �system characteristics-based factors�, before, during, and after the extreme event. The developed methodology utilizes a pragmatic and flexible approach by adopting concepts from the national emergency preparedness paradigm, proactive and reactive controls of grid assets, graph theory with system and component constraints, and multi-criteria decision-making process. The proposed metrics are applied to provide decision support for a) the operational resilience and b) planning investments. The proposed methodology is integrated into the RT-RMOD: Real-Time Resilience Monitoring and Operational Decision, which is a graphic tool to monitor the resilience states of the system.

Masood Parvania
Primary Committee:
Power System Operation, Planning and Economics (PSOPE)

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