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  • PES
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $10.00
    Non-members: $20.00
    Pages/Slides: 93
05 Aug 2013

Destructive storms could cause massive power outages across the grids and leave millions people out of power for extended time. Utilities and the society have gained valuable experiences in the past through major natural disasters such as the recent Superstorm Sandy in US East Coast. IEEE PES Technical Council has recently directed to form a special Task Force on "Natural Disaster Preparation and Recovery" to review the cases in the past and to provide suggestions for the future on this subject. This panel session will summarize the storm experiences of utilities and RTO/ISOs, and review technologies which would enhance our future responses to destructive natural events. The topics would cover, but not limited to, the following hot issues: How can we be better prepared in terms of storm preparation and response? How can new smart grid technologies, such as distributed generation, micro-grid, PMU, smart meter, come to help?

H. Chen
Sponsor Committees:
Power System Operations Committee