IEEE Members: $10.00
Non-members: $20.00Pages/Slides: 52
Continuous advances and falling prices in technologies such as monitoring equipment, communication, data storage and processing, etc. facilitated and triggered the next major step in the evolution of power systems, from traditional network to "Smart Grid". Despite the fact that more performing models of PQ monitors are available on the market and network operators show more will to assess the PQ level, there is a lack of knowledge and agreement on a number of aspects of the monitoring process. This Panel Session will address some application aspects of PQ monitoring including: overview of PQ monitoring, selection of monitoring locations, selection of monitoring parameters, and presentation of PQ monitoring results. These presentations will be coordinated with the following major objectives of the monitoring activity: compliance verification, benchmarking/performance analysis, site characterization, troubleshooting, advanced applications and studies, and active PQ management.