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  • PES
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $5.00
    Non-members: $10.00
    Pages/Slides: 22
05 Aug 2013

Grid modernization is transforming distribution operations from mostly manual, paper-driven business processes to electronic, computer assisted decision making. Operating procedures that in some cases have been in place for many years must be modified to reflect the new DMS-assisted business processes. System optimization has become an important activity for control room personnel, and new skills will be needed to effectively manage new applications effectively. In some cases, the level of engineering support to operations within the distribution control center must be increased significantly to provide technical support need to use the new applications. Training has become an even greater necessity for the DMS enabled control center, and training simulators are expected to play a significant role in the ongoing training and certification of control room personnel. This panel will provide practical examples of how electric utilities have managed the change during recent DMS implementation projects.

B. Uluski
Sponsor Committees:
Transmission and Distribution Committee, Power System Analysis Computing and Economics Committee