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ML/AI for electricity market and grid operations under extreme weather

Nanpeng Yu, Hao Zhu, Matt Tierney, Chen-Hao Tsai, Sienna Shi, Chris Goode

  • PES
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $25.00
    Non-members: $40.00
    Pages/Slides: 61
Panel 12 Sep 2024

The operations of power grids and electricity markets are known to critically depend on solving large-scale, complex optimization problems based on various data streams. Recently, the rise of extreme weather conditions has further challenged the operational landscape, due the weather dependent variability (cloud covers, wind lulls, etc.) as well as the potential damage of the physical assets/infrastructure. For example, the recent FERC order 896 acknowledges this and has directed more efforts to revise and improve the transmission planning standards for maintaining the grid reliability level. This panel will focus on the recent advances of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) that can address the complexity of real-time grid optimization problems and integrate with the latest weather forecasting methods. We will have a lineup of diverse speakers from academia, national labs, ISOs, and relevant industry solution-providers.

Hao Zhu, Nanpeng Yu
Primary Committee:
(AMPS) Big Data Analytics

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