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Flexibility based new economic models for distribution systems

J. Avramidis, C. Tai, T. Ramos Fernandes, B. Venkatesh, S. Simmons, G. Peniuk, R. Marzoughi, M. Resener, B. Venkatesh, B. P. Ferraz, S. Haffner, A. Balbinot, L. A. Pereira

  • PES
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $25.00
    Non-members: $40.00
    Pages/Slides: 108
Panel 20 Jul 2023

DSO models have been discussed widely. However, elements that help create DSO market are still being developed. This panel discusses and reports recent development about demand response and flexibility solutions that help bolster DSO market. These models flush out potential solutions ñ based upon actual pilots ñ to develop and further theory in this evolving domain. Presentations in this panel session: - Local flexibility markets from theory to practice: the UK landscape (23PESGM4245) - Flexibility Products and implementation (23PESGM4246) - Demonstrating the Benefits of Simultaneously Providing Local and Provincial Capacity (23PESGM4247) - MILP Model for Optimal Day-Ahead PDS Scheduling Considering TSO-DSO Interconnection Power Flow Commitment Under Uncertainty (23PESGM4248)

Bala Venkatesh
Primary Committee:
Power System Operation, Planning, and Economics (PSOPE)
Sponsor Committees:
Power System Economics Subcommittee