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  • PES
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    Pages/Slides: 39
Panel 18 Jul 2023

Modeling, control, estimation and monitoring of Behind the Meter Distributed Energy Resources (BTM DERs) to support decarbonization, demand response and other objectives is becoming increasingly data driven. However, field data from BTM DERs often lack adequate data coverage, quality, documentation, and standardization. This panel will discuss recent efforts on making BTM DER datasets widely available by addressing associated challenges, as well as demonstrate recent high impact uses cases from such datasets. A diversity of perspectives on this theme will be presented from academia, National labs and industry, with an underlying aim to leverage these efforts not only to increase access to high quality datasets, but also maximize the value proposition that can be extracted from them in the context of BTM DERs. The format consists of a set of invited presentations followed by a panel discussion with an opportunity for the audience to directly interact with the panelists. Presentations in this panel session: - Hierarchical DER Registry for FERC 2222 Implementation(23PESGM2733) - Measuring the Voltage and Current Waveforms of Appliance Usage in the NIST Net-Zero House (23PESGM2735)

Vikas Chandan,Farhad Omar
Primary Committee:
Smart Buildings, Loads & Customer Systems Committee (SBLCS)
Sponsor Committees:
Smart Buildings, Loads & Customer Systems

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  • PES
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