New developments to mitigate power line induced wildfire ignitions
J. Dagle, D. Ransom
IEEE Members: $25.00
Non-members: $40.00Pages/Slides: 87
Wildfire has emerged as a significant risk to society in many places throughout the world. The increased risk is fueled by climate change and its associated elevation of drought and extreme weather. While most ignitions are caused by humans, electric power line ignitions are also contributing factors to the growing problem. Today, advanced power system protection technologies are being developed to help mitigate and reduce the risk of power line wildfire ignitions. Significant efforts are going on in the industry to develop, test, and deploy new protection schemes.
Presentations in this panel session:
- New developments to mitigate power line induced wildfire ignitions (23PESGM4167)
- Wildfire Prevention - HIF and FCP (23PESGM4454)
Jonathan Sykes
Primary Committee:
Power System Relaying and Control (PSRC)
Sponsor Committees:
Power Systems Relaying & Control