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  • PES
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    Pages/Slides: 116
Panel 18 Jul 2023

Transmission expansion planning approaches are evolving as power system operation become more uncertain and volatile, due to factors including increased frequency of extreme natural events, deployment of distributed energy resources and electric transportation and scaling-up of variable renewables. Transmission planners are responding by more accurately modeling the impacts of these phenomena on load, generation, and equipment availability. They are also quickly incorporating novel solutions to deal with the variability of operating conditions (e.g., Special Protection Schemes or series compensation equipment) as candidates for planning efforts. The session will convene planners active in North America, Europe and Latin America to discuss how they are adapting their methodologies and procedures, and the resulting outcomes. Presentations in this panel session: - Grid enhancing technologies in long-term transmission planning (23PESGM4184) - Probabilistic planning approaches for transmission system reliability and resilience (23PESGM4185) - Decoupling Baltic States from Russian power system and synchronization with European network (23PESGM4186) - Innovative transmission planning with co-simulation for high penetration of variable renewable energy (23PESGM4189) - A SMART power flow controller for harnessing the dormant capacity of transmission lines (23PESGM4190)

Sundar Venkataraman, Rafael Ferreira
Primary Committee:
Power System Operation, Planning, and Economics (PSOPE)
Sponsor Committees:
Bulk Power System Planning Subcommittee

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  • PES
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