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Panel 16 Jul 2023

Separate Registration Required: . The newly-created Future Directions Initiative on Climate Technologies, in collaboration with IEEE TAB and IEEE-SA, is conducting its first of three in-person workshops to be held in 2023. The workshop is designed to be a highly engaging meeting for energy professionals and anyone conducting research and development on technologies in this field. Its goal is to review technology gaps identified by the IEEE Planet Positive 2030 Compendium, and brainstorm ways to fill these gaps, thereby laying down the foundation for critical climate technology roadmapping activities. This workshop will focus on low-carbon emission energy technologies, including renewables, CCUS, hydrogen and microreactors. Presentations in this panel session: - Future Directions Initiative on Climate Technologies (23PESGM4365) - Future Directions Initiative on Climate Technologies (23PESGM4366)

Wei-Jen Lee, Maike Luiken