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Converter-Interfaced Devices for Power System Restoration with high penetration Renewables

X. Gao, R. Roofegarinejad, W. Sun, S. Wu, F. Liu, L. Liang, J. Hu, J. Hou

  • PES
    Members: Free
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    Non-members: $40.00
    Pages/Slides: 112
Panel 21 Jul 2022

Current power systems have witnessed a dramatic increase in the penetration of converter-interfaced devices (CIDs), typically, serving as interfaces for renewable resources and responsive loads integration. CIDs have been bringing a profound transformation into system operation and may change power system restoration in many aspects, such as flexible topology switching, generati This panel will present recent developments of power system restoration with CIDs. It will discuss the main challenges and potential solutions of power system restoration with converter-interfaced renewable energy sources and responsive loads. The experience from industry and academia will be shared in this panel. on control, power flow control, voltage regulation, system stabilization, demand response, etc. At the same time, the traditional control and operation strategies for system restoration, as well as the tools built upon them, are facing fundamental challenges in integrating numerous CIDs with different characteristics.

Yunhe Hou, Wei Sun
Primary Committee:
Power System Operation, Planning, and Economics (PSOPE)
Sponsor Committees:
Bulk Power System Operations Subcommittee

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