IEEE Members: $25.00
Non-members: $40.00Pages/Slides: 80
This product contains 7 presentations from Wednesday (7/20) of the General Meeting:
1. Presentation: Entrepreneurship from Academia to Start-up Company
2. Presentation: Grid Solutions Program
3. Presentation: Resiliency and System Hardening
4. Presentation: Distributed Controls and Grid Design
5. Presentation: Decentralized Power Dispatch in Multi-agent Energy Systems
6. Presentation: Market Suspension and Emergency Pricing
7. Presentation: Importance of T&D Grid Modernization to Mitigate Impacts from and Adapt to Climate Change
1. Presentation: Entrepreneurship from Academia to Start-up Company
2. Presentation: Grid Solutions Program
3. Presentation: Resiliency and System Hardening
4. Presentation: Distributed Controls and Grid Design
5. Presentation: Decentralized Power Dispatch in Multi-agent Energy Systems
6. Presentation: Market Suspension and Emergency Pricing
7. Presentation: Importance of T&D Grid Modernization to Mitigate Impacts from and Adapt to Climate Change