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Stacking revenue streams with energy storage

K. Bruninx, D. Wu, R. Gaug, S. Worgin, A. Botterud, H. Mavalizadeh

  • PES
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $25.00
    Non-members: $40.00
    Pages/Slides: 90
Panel 20 Jul 2022

Energy storage systems are increasingly taking up their pivotal role in modern, low-carbon power systems. The further deployment of this technology, however, crucially depends on the electricity and ancillary service markets in which they can participate and the rules that govern them. In this panel, a set of leading experts will discuss how energy storage systems may secure and stack revenues from near real-time balancing markets to day-ahead electricity markets to years-ahead capacity renumeration mechanisms. The focus of the panel is on how innovative mathematical models -- integrating technical, regulatory and market constraints – may facilitate energy storage owners to secure higher operating profits, integrate more renewable energy into our energy systems and facilitate the further development of this key technology.

Kenneth Bruninx, Hrvoje Pandzic
Primary Committee:
Power System Operation, Planning, and Economics (PSOPE)
Sponsor Committees:
Power System Economics Subcommittee

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