Volt/Var Control and Optimization in Transmission Systems – Adequacy of Current Practices for Emerging Needs
A. R. Ramapuram Matavalam, L. Vance, S. Ghiocel
IEEE Members: $25.00
Non-members: $40.00Pages/Slides: 59
Transmission companies and system operator have implemented different approaches and tools for effective voltage control and management of reactive power in transmission networks. While current processes and methods for Volt/var control have been successfully used for many years, transmission system operators have recognized their major limitations to properly coordinate and implement Volt/var control under the more stringent operating conditions imposed by large integration of variable generation and other system changes. These limitations are expected to become even more pronounced in light of emerging power system landscape. This drives the need for major adaptations of voltage control approaches that require more complex coordination and interactions among controllers. This panel session explores the adequacy of current Volt/Var practices for future system conditions and discusses emerging approaches and technologies for improving voltage control and reactive power management in transmission networks.
Alberto Del Rosso, Katelynn Vance
Primary Committee:
Transmission and Distribution Committee (T&D)