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Grid control with synchronized measurements

L. Zhu, C. Vhournas, M. Venkatasubramanian, S. Von Meter, A. Guzman, B.S. Rovvnyak

  • PES
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $25.00
    Non-members: $40.00
    Pages/Slides: 112
Panel 18 Jul 2022

Today's state-of-the art in grid monitoring and control is based on the SCADA and EMS. Transformation of the grid driven by changes in generation mix, integration of renewable resources and demand variability will result in rapid, frequent and large changes in generation, demand and loading levels on the transmission grid. This will make controlling system voltages and frequency challenging. It is expected that synchronized measurement technology will be a major component of the future grid monitoring and control infrastructure. The time synchronization and high resolution of the measurements, in conjunction with actuators such as inverter-based resources with fast active and reactive power modulation capabilities, enable the development and application of advanced control schemes. Desired features of such grid control technologies include automation, speed, and adaptiveness. This panel will discuss potential benefits of using synchronized measurements for grid control, and present latest developments and technologies proposed by academia and industry.

Evangelos Farantatos, Mani Venkatasubramanian
Primary Committee:
Power System Dynamic Performance (PSDP)