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Natural Disaster Mitigation: Best Practices

* 21PESGM2699, Natural Disaster Mitigation WG Updates : Best Practices, Operation Methods and Resilience Metrics: J. LIU, PJM Interconnection LLC * 21PESGM2700, Uncertainties and pricing issues in energy market during emergency and scarcity conditions: Y. CHEN, MISO * 21PESGM2701, System Operation during extrem weather conditions at MISO: R. THAPPETAOBULA, MISO * 21PESGM2702, Grid resilience during extreme weather at Hydro Ottawa: J. MUGLIA, Hydro Ottawa * 21PESGM2703, Dynamic microgrids with inverter-based resources for distribution grid resiliency enhancement: X. LU, Temple University * 21PESGM2704, Mitigate grid resilience issues due to natural disasters by transformative distribution infrastructure: DERs, Microgrids, and Electrification: Z. WANG, Iowa State * 21PESGM2705, Improve grid resiliece under natural hazards by power grid enhancement and interegional infrastructures: H. ZHU, The University of Texas at Austin * 21PESGM2721, Mitigate grid resilience issues due to natural disasters by transformative distribution infrastructure: DERs, Microgrids, and Electrification (Part II): B. CHEN, Argonne National Laboratory * 21PESGM2720, Improve grid resiliece under natural hazards by power grid enhancement and interegional infrastructures (Part II): T. OVERBYE, Texas A&amp,M University * 21PESGM2722, Mitigate grid resilience issues due to natural disasters by transformative distribution infrastructure: DERs, Microgrids, and Electrification (Part III): A. SRIVASTAVA, West Virginia University * 21PESGM2761, Mitigate grid resilience issues due to natural disasters by transformative distribution infrastructure: DERs, Microgrids, and Electrification (Part IV): D. KUSHNER, ComEd

  • PES
    Members: $5.00
    IEEE Members: $10.00
    Non-members: $20.00
28 Jul 2021

Natural disaster mitigation is essential for sustainable and resilient power systems. Tracking utility best practices on natural disaster mitigation is not only a high demand from the industry, but also an integral effort in the R&D initiatives of power resiliency. Worldwide best practices have invoked great attentions in the Society on natural disaster mitigation operation method and planning strategy advances, and have sparked extensive R&D efforts on associated resiliency metrics and analysis methods. This panel will report the latest news and industry activities on this subject, followed by panel discussions on resilience metric on this subject. Existing study methods tools and shortfalls will be discussed. New analysis method advances, including data driven modeling and optimization methods on system enhancement, pre-event prevention, event ad hoc reaction and post-event recovery coordination will be addressed. Interdisciplinary researches on meteorology and power system operation security will also be discussed with the most recent progresses in research and practices.

Jay Liu, PJM Interconnection LLC, Zhaoyu Wang, Iowa State
Sponsor Committees:
Technologies &amp, Innovation Subcommittee