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Emerging applications of data-driven intelligence as an enabler for demand response in wholesale and local markets

* 21PESGM2518, A Scalable Privacy Preserving Distributed Parallel Optimization for Residential Prosumers in Smart Grids: P. SIANO, UNISA * 21PESGM2519, National-scale building energy modeling, climate change, and potential grid impacts: J. N. NEW, U.S. DOE * 21PESGM2520, Data-driven intelligence as an enabler for demand response in wholesale and local markets: Z. VALE, Polytechnic of Porto * 21PESGM2521, IoT and blockchain data management in electricity markets: R. CASADO-VARA, USAL

  • PES
    Members: $5.00
    IEEE Members: $10.00
    Non-members: $20.00
28 Jul 2021

Demand response field implementation still face some significant issues. Data-mining and data analytics, including machine learning, deep learning, and reinforcement learning, are adequate to overcome those issues moving towards data-driven models that enable the widespread of efficient demand response. This panel covers the required process to profit from the existing resources and opportunities through sustainable market based mechanisms, services and products. Data-driven intelligence to enable effective demand response in a market context is the main focus, including models and methods for resources aggregation and profiling using artificial intelligence and data mining techniques. The role of aggregators as connection points between local communities and wholesale markets is also explored, assessing the means to establish the necessary links that enable small sized resources access wholesale market transactions.

Pedro Faria, Polytechnic of PortoSession, Jianming Lian, PNNL
Sponsor Committees:
(AMPS) Intelligent Systems