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Modeling and Control Challenges of Weak Low-inertia Power Systems

* 21PESGM2215, Modeling and Dynamic Performance of Inverter-Based Resources in Weak Systems: P. POURBEIK, Power and Energy, Analysis, Consulting and Education, PLLC * 21PESGM2216, The role of the rate of change of power (RoCoP) in low inertia systems: F. MILANO, University College Dublin * 21PESGM2218, Impact of load modeling on generator underexcited operation and underfrequency load shedding in an autonomous system: C. VOURNAS, National Technical University of Athens * 21PESGM2219, Performance requirements of inverters connected to weak grids and their modeling aspects: U. ANNAKKAGE, University of Manitoba * 21PESGM2220, Control of zero-inertia power system to ensure reliable and secure operation: D. RAMASUBRAMANIAN, Electric Power Research Institute * 21PESGM2927, Identification of weak areas in low inertia power systems with high shares of CIG: I. PONCE, University of Chile

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28 Jul 2021

The replacement of conventional synchronous machines by CIG will inevitably reduce the short circuit levels and the inertial response capability of future power systems, thus leading to weak low-inertia systems. Operational and stability problems in weak low-inertia power systems with low SCL and reduced inertia can manifest themselves in a number of ways. On the one hand, the reduction of system strength leads to higher values of dV/dP and dV/dQ, meaning that small disturbances in the power flows can significantly change the network voltages. Stability problems such as control instability, control interactions, small signal instability, and voltage instability are more likely to arise in weak grids. The stability challenges of weak low-inertia power systems impose novel paradigms and questions about the way in which power systems are usually modelled and controlled. In this context, the goals of this panel session are to identify and discuss key control and modeling challenges that weak low-inertia power systems with high shares of CIG may face, as well as to analyze solutions that have been put forward thus far.

Claudia Rahmann, University of Chile
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Power System Dynamic Performance

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