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Lessons Learned and Future Vision for NSF and DOE Research Centers in Power and Energy Research

* 21PESGM2827, Panel Overview: K. TOMSOVIC, The University of Tennessee * 21PESGM2828, CURENT: Center for Ultra-Wide-Area Resilient Electric Energy Transmission Networks: F. LI, University of Tennessee Knoxville * 21PESGM2829, PSERC: Power Systems Engineering Research Center: K. HEDMAN, Arizona State University * 21PESGM2830, FREEDM Systems Center: I. HUSAIN, North Carolina State University * 21PESGM2831, CPES: Center for Power Electronic Systems: D. BOROYEVITCH, Virginia Tech

  • PES
    Members: $5.00
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27 Jul 2021

Over the years, NSF and DOE have made a number of significant investments in forming large collaborative research centers in the power and energy field. This panel will overview some of the many contributions of this research. In addition, panelists will suggest some lessons learned in managing Centers and present their vision for future research centers needs for the PES community.

Kevin Tomsovic, The University of Tennessee
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