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Results of Cigre Working Group C4.42 “ Continuous assessment of low-order harmonic emissions from customer installations

* 21PESGM2278, Objectives and main results of Cigre WG C4.42: I. PAPIC, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia * 21PESGM2279, Use of reference impedances: W. XU, University of Alberta * 21PESGM2280, Time varying harmonic impedances: A. TESTA, University of Campania * 21PESGM2281, Interpretation of contribution indices and implementation issues: J. MEYER, Technische Universitaet Dresden, Germany * 21PESGM3013, Requirements for Evaluating Customer Harmonic Emission: S. DJOKIC, The University of Edinburgh

  • PES
    Members: $5.00
    IEEE Members: $10.00
    Non-members: $20.00
27 Jul 2021

Harmonic voltage distortion remains an important issue in power networks and utilities are fully aware of the impact this creates on power quality. With the increasing number of power electronic loads, harmonic interactions and inverter based generation, e.g. PV and wind, the issue is likely to become more exacerbated in the future. The assessment should preferably run continuously with the statistical evaluation of results and not as a single-shot (at certain time instant) or two-step (before and after the connection of installation) procedure. The aim of the panel is to present the main results of the Cigre Working Group C4.42 “ Continuous assessment of low-order harmonic emissions from customer installations, which tackles this issue.

Igor Papic, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Roberto Langella, University of Campania &quot,Luigi Vanvitelli&quot,, Italy
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Transmission and Distribution