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Dynamic Modeling in Distribution

* 21PESGM2671, Black Start with Grid-Forming Inverter: S. SANTOSO, University of Texas * 21PESGM2672, Modern challenges for dynamics in the QSTS world: D. MONTENEGRO, EPRI * 21PESGM2673, Dynamics in Distribution Islands and Microgrids: W. DU, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory * 21PESGM2674, Reduced-Order DER Dynamic Models from Machine Learning: Q. HUANG, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

  • PES
    Members: $5.00
    IEEE Members: $10.00
    Non-members: $20.00
    Length: 01:56:28
26 Jul 2021

Historically, distribution system analysis have been able to assume constant frequency, with limited need for dynamic analysis, e.g., voltage sags due to motor starting. This assumption loses validity as more grid-forming inverters, distributed storage and microgrids appear on distribution systems. The panel will present new requirements, tools and examples for dynamic analysis on the distribution system.

Roger Dugan, EPRI, Tom McDermott, PNNL
Sponsor Committees:
(AMPS) Distribution System Analysis