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Security Integration and Enabling New Technologies - First Session

* 21PESGM2616, IEEE-NERC Security Integration Project: R. QUINT, NERC * 21PESGM2617, Security Initiatives at EPRI, J. STEWART, EPRI * 21PESGM2618, PC37.249 Guide for Security Needs for Protection and Automation Related Data Files: A. MAKKI, Softstuf * 21PESGM2619, Securely Designing Critical Energy Infrastructure: J. HARRIS, NERC

  • PES
    Members: $5.00
    IEEE Members: $10.00
    Non-members: $20.00
    Length: 00:42:29
26 Jul 2021

Power grids around the world are experiencing a growing dependence on cyber and physical security concepts to ensure bulk power system reliability and resilience. As the operational technology (OT) and information technology (IT) systems collide, it is becoming increasingly important to ensure that security considerations are integrated into conventional planning, operations, design, and system restoration activities. Examples include supply chain, cloud computing, and other ensuring best cyber practices across the BPS and overall critical infrastructure ecosystem. Further, new and emerging technologies need to be integrated into BPS operations and design in a way that further improves the efficiency of the BPS to serve reliable power to its customers but is also implemented in a cyber-secure manner. This panel will explore these considerations in detail and a panel discussion will highlight key areas of work in this growing field of research and industry implementation.

Ryan Quint, NERC
Sponsor Committees:
Power Systems Communications &amp, Cyber Security