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Price formation under evolving resource mix

* 21PESGM0502, Electricity Market Design: Multi-Period Pricing Models: W. HOGAN, Harvard University * 21PESGM0503, Average Incremental Cost Pricing: R. O&#039,NEILL, DOE ARPA-E * 21PESGM0504, Stochastic Nodal Adequacy Pricing (SNAP) Platform: A. RUDKEVICH, Newton Energy Group, LLC * 21PESGM0505, Scarcity Pricing and the Missing European Market for Real-Time Reserve Capacity: A. PAPAVASILIOU, Université catholique de Louvain * 21PESGM0506, Multi-period Pricing Design and Evaluation: T. ZHENG, ISO New England Inc. * 21PESGM0507, System-wide and Regional Scarcity and Emergency Pricing: Y. CHEN, MISO

  • PES
    Members: $5.00
    IEEE Members: $10.00
    Non-members: $20.00
    Length: 02:22:25
26 Jul 2021

A key function of electricity market is the formation of transparent prices that reflect the value of energy and system needs. Aligning market with reliability requirements ensures that electricity market prices reflect system operating conditions and encourages resource availability under extreme events. Efficient prices can incentivize market participants to make efficient operational and investment decisions in both the short- and long-run. Emergency and scarcity conditions can create challenges for price formation especially when out-of-market actions taken for reliability purpose may lead to price suppression. Evolution of resource mix imposes new challenges on how to address non-convexity, flexibility, and time coupling and value reliability needs with reduced marginal cost. In this panel, current price formation challenges from RTOs and advancements in developing new pricing methodology will be discussed.

Yonghong Chen, MISO, Tongxin Zheng, ISO New England Inc.
Sponsor Committees:
(PSOPE) Power System Economics Subcommittee