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Using converter replica's for HVDC system simulations (part II) (slides)

* 21PESGM2883, The Caithness Morray Shetland HVDC system: B. MARSHALL, The National HVDC Centre (SSE) * 21PESGM2884, The Johan Sverdrup HVDC system, an owner&#039,s perspective: K. SHARIFABADI, Equinor * 21PESGM2885, The Johan Sverdrup HVDC system, the simulation facility/consultancy perspective: S. DENNETIERE, RTE International * 21PESGM2886, HIL simulation technology applied in a multi-terminal hybrid UHVDC of CSG in China: Q. GUO, Electric Power Research Institute, China Southern Power Grid Co., Ltd. (CSG) * 21PESGM2887, De-risk Manitoba Hydro Power Grid Transformation, State-of-the-art art Manitoba Hydro Real time Simulation Centre (MHRSC): C. FANG, Manitoba Hydro

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    Pages/Slides: 64
29 Jul 2021

VSC HVDC converter stations are very complex systems that are able to provide a highly dynamic response to system events. These converters make use of multiple dedicated control loops and protection systems to allow for this dynamic response. To protect the vendor's IP, only proprietary black (or grey) box software models are available, limiting the ability of the HVDC owner/consultant to obtain a full image of the behavior of the equipment and its interaction with other equipment. The inability to model the response under all eventualities when using offline EMT type software leads to uncertainty on the actual behavior of the HVDC equipment. In order to reduce risks, many system operators and prospective HVDC system owners revert to the use of dedicated replica (hardware) models of the converters connected to a (real-time) simulator to perform a broad range of in depth studies. This panel discusses the pros and cons of this approach, and will show best practices by different users.

Dirk Van Hertem, KU Leuven
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