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Grid forming capability for HVDC & FACTS: definitions and applications (slides)

* 21PESGM2527, Fundamental considerations on grid forming control “ application the stability study of an HVDC link: X. GUILLAUD, University of Lille * 21PESGM2528, A TSO perspective on grid forming needs, requirements and different technology capabilities: C. CARDOZO, RTE * 21PESGM2529, Requirements and Solution for Grid Supporting FACTS/HVDC Control: M. LARSSON, Hitachi ABB Power Grids * 21PESGM2530, Control of HVDC converters for providing virtual inertia: J. SUUL, SINTEF Energy Research, S. D&#039,ARCO, SINTEF Energy Research * 21PESGM2531, Grid-Forming Requirements for HVDC and FACTS “ A TSO Perspective: M. GÖRTZ, TransnetBW * 21PESGM2960, Behavior of Grid forming converters for VSC HVDC: R. H. RENNER, Siemens Energy

  • PES
    Members: $5.00
    IEEE Members: $10.00
    Non-members: $20.00
    Pages/Slides: 76
27 Jul 2021

Grid forming capability is at present being considered as a key feature for the future generation of converters to enable a higher penetration of renewables in future power systems with a lower system inertia coming from conventional generation employing synchronous machines. This panel session will discuss the needs for grid forming capability from converters, with the main focus on HVDC and FACTS, and the consequences of particular choices in controls. Different proposals from vendors and system operators alike will be discussed.

Jef Beerten, KU Leuven
Sponsor Committees:
Transmission and Distribution