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Real-time simulation advancing education and training on power and energy systems (slides)

* 21PESGM2419, Exploring new interactive teaching methods thanks to real time simulation: A. MONTI, RWTH Aachen University * 21PESGM2420, Real-time cyber-power testbed for training and education: A. SRIVASTAVA, West Virginia University * 21PESGM2422, Real-time Simulations and HIL as an effective tool in post-graduate power engineering education: G. KONSTANTINOU, University of New South Wales * 21PESGM2423, HIL simulation for hands-on experiential laboratory education on modern power systems: P. KOTSAMPOPOULOS, National Technical University of Athens * 21PESGM2971, Hardware In the Loop simulation to support training of HVDC maintenance and operation teams: S. DENNETIERE, RTE International

  • PES
    Members: $5.00
    IEEE Members: $10.00
    Non-members: $20.00
    Pages/Slides: 95
27 Jul 2021

Tackling the challenges associated with DER integration to promote the energy transition requires new and advanced educational and training tools. During the last years a relatively large number of institutions have acquired Digital Real-Time Simulators in both academia and industry. However, this is not reflected in the use of real-time Hardware in the Loop (HIL) simulation for education and training, which is still rather limited in the power and energy sector. In this framework, this panel will shed light on the potential of using real-time HIL simulation for educational/training purposes on energy topics in both academia and industry. The benefits for distinct applications, such as power system protection, power electronics, DER integration and smart grids will be explained with selected reference experiences of the Task Force members. Moreover, the combination of real-time simulation with modern educational methods will be discussed.

Panos Kotsampopoulos, National Technical University of Athens, Nikos Hatziargyriou, NTUA
Sponsor Committees:
Power &amp, Energy Education