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R&D of Grid Forming Converters for a Resilient, Stable and Secure Grid (slides)

* 21PESGM2375, Evaluation and Assessment of Grid Forming Converters&#039, Inertial Behaviour via Experimental Tests: Q. HONG, University of Strathclyde * 21PESGM2979, Passivity-Based Power Control for Grid-Forming Converters: F. ZHAO, Aalborg University * 21PESGM2987, Grid Forming Converters: Impact of Inner loop design and current limit: G. YANG, Technical University of Denmark * 21PESGM3005, Methods and Common Practice for Testing Grid Forming Converters: S. ROGALLA, TBD

  • PES
    Members: $5.00
    IEEE Members: $10.00
    Non-members: $20.00
    Pages/Slides: 101
27 Jul 2021

The transition from synchronous generation based to converter dominated power grids has raised the awareness of need for comprehensive grid support. As a result, grid forming feature is emerging as a requirement to power converters in different applications, such as HVDC, FACTS, microgrids, grid interties, etc. A grid forming converter, in general, denotes a converter with the capability to control the terminal voltage frequency and amplitude to form the grid voltage, thus being able to provide steady-state and/or transient grid support, i.e. inertia enhancement, frequency response, voltage control and system strength. The grid forming feature is deemed as essential for the grid resiliency, stability and security. However, the implementation, performance requirements, system impact and testing/assessment methodology are not yet standardized and may differ between applications. This panel discusses research and development of GFCs including: - Progress in standardization of grid forming control - Advances in research and development - Test method and guideline for grid forming converters - Potential impact of GFC on power system operation and protection

Daniel Hill, Black &amp, Veatch, Andrew Steffen, Sargent &amp, Lundy
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