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Research and Educational Experiences of NSF CAREER Awardees in Power Systems:Part I

* 21PESGM2889, Aggregation, estimation and control of distributed energy resources: D. CALLAWAY, UC Berkeley * 21PESGM2890, Capacity Markets versus Energy-Only Markets: a Comparison under Increasing Wind Penetration: C. LO PRETE, Pennsylvania State University * 21PESGM2891, Enabling Operational Resilience in Decentralized Electric Power Distribution Systems: A. DUBEY, Washington State University * 21PESGM2892, Power Networks in Robots: Bio-inspired design methods for distributed electromechanical actuators: A. BANERJEE, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign * 21PESGM2893, Measurement-based Stability Assessment and Model Validation in Microgrids: Challenges and Opportunities: L. DOSIEK, Union College * 21PESGM2894, Optimal Interdependent Operation of Electricity Distribution Grids and Water Distribution Systems in Smart Cities: N. GATSIS, University of Texas at San Antonio * 21PESGM2895, Synthesis of Feedback-based Online Algorithms for Power Grids: E. DALL'ANESE, University of Colorado Boulder

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26 Jul 2021

The purpose of the session is to review recent accomplishments and emerging opportunities in power systems from the perspective of U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER award recipients. The CAREER program is the most prestigious award in support of early-career faculty who have potential to serve as academic role models in research and education and to lead advances in the mission of their department or organization. Seven CAREER awardees, who are top-notch researchers in the power systems research community, will be invited to present their latest research and educational results and their potential to impact the field of power systems. The last part of the session will have Q&A to guide new faculty members in preparing CAREER proposals.

Anil Pahwa, Kansas State University, Aranya Chakrabortty, North Carolina State University
Sponsor Committees:
Power &amp, Energy Education

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