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The Changing Resource Mix “ Inverter-Based Resources, Battery Energy Storage Systems, and Hybrid Power Plants - Part I (slides)

* 21PESGM2806, BESS and Hybrid Plant Performance, Modeling, and Studies: R. QUINT, NERC * 21PESGM2807, AEMO experience with battery energy storage systems: N. MODI, Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) * 21PESGM2808, BESS/Hybrid Plant Developer Perspective: R. VIDHI, NextEra Energy

  • PES
    Members: $5.00
    IEEE Members: $10.00
    Non-members: $20.00
    Pages/Slides: 33
26 Jul 2021

The bulk power system is undergoing a rapid change in its generation mix, moving towards increased penetrations of inverter-based resources, battery energy storage, and hybrid power plants. This presents grid planners and operators with new challenges related to modeling these resources and executing reliability studies that fully encompass the performance capabilities that these new technologies have. This panel will explore how the changing resource mix is having an impact on system resource adequacy, grid stability, system strength, and other performance metrics. The panel will also explore the use of new battery energy storage systems and hybrid plant technologies and what that means for future BPS operations.

Murty Yalla, Hubbell Incorporated (Beckwith Electric BU),
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